Ending Body Burnout - Signed Copies

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Hey there “busy” lady, juggling all the things! While busy-ness, overworking, addictive-doing & perfectionism might be the “norm” (and even a badge of honour) - it’s NOT “normal”. And it’s a major contributor to health issues. And if you’ve got kiddies and a family to look after, that’s adding even more into your already “overfull” schedule. First comes the physical stress of pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, sleepless nights. Then, as the kids grow up, the mental load of juggling mothering, building a business or career, keeping your partner happy, housework, taxi-ing the kids, navigating teens, staying up late trying to tick-off your to-do’s…It can be a recipe for disaster! All these stressors, if left unchecked, cause body burnout - meaning your body systems literally burnout, breakdown or become imbalanced.

If you’re struggling with burnout symptoms like energy, mood and/or gut issues (especially if you’re past the childbearing little baby years - or haven’t even had kids), it is highly likely your insides aren’t doing so well - and you’ll want to read Ending Body Burnout. In this book, Functional Medicine Practitioner and PhD Scholar, Filipa Bellette, takes you through the three main body systems that burnout in high-achieving mums juggling all the things, as well as the three key principles you need to address to end your body burnout…for good!

So buckle in, and get ready for me to take you through, step-by-step, how you can rebuild your body and get your spark back - without giving up work, kids, and the things you love. Get ready for epic health well into your late 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and beyond! Woot!