Cooking with Fresh Herbs: Green Energy for the Four Seasons by Maiga Werner

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The immense diversity of scents and savors offered by aromatic herbs is more than a gift from nature––herbs have been part of human culinary habits ever since, as they can be easily found in the nature around us. Some aromatic plants, such rosemary or coriander, have enjoyed popularity among gourmets since the times of the Romans. Their complex taste and healing powers unite harmoniously and provide a sensation of freshness to the palate, be they used in soups, salads, or other dishes.
Herbs expert Maiga Werner takes us on a culinary journey through the appealing world of garden and wild herbs. Structured by season, the book covers more than 90 different culinary and aromatic herbs which grow around the globe. It contains many mouthwatering recipes from salty to sweet, all of which feature herbs as the central element. It also offers much useful background information on the origin, usage, traditional preparation, and gardening tips for the little all-rounders. Last but not least, renowned cooks contribute to this publication by revealing their own favorite recipes with herbs.