Discover a plethora of intriguing and entertaining facts from archaeology and history-brought to life with clever illustrations and full-color and design. In The Encyclopedia of the Weird and Wonderful, TikTok educator and Youtuber Milo Rossi presents an assortment of funny and detailed anecdotes of some of the more quotidian mysteries of life, such as: Why do people wear wedding bands on their left hand? What stew can you eat today that you could have eaten thousands of years ago? What happened to 168 bottles of Champagne that ended up on the floor of the Baltic Sea? Although these are questions that we may have never thought to ask, who knows when they'll actually come in handy in our everyday lives? The Encyclopedia of the Weird and Wonderful offers an opportunity for readers of all ages to expand their knowledge on some of the most extraordinary facts. Coupled with engaging design and illustrations, The Encyclopedia of the Weird and Wonderful takes the saying "you learn something new every day" to a new extreme. With this reference, the whole family will delight in the surprise of serendipity of learning new things!