Australia's Dangerous Bush Creatures

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Myke Mollards signature illustrations and engaging text bring kids up close and personal with 47 of Australia’s most deadly and dangerous creatures, helping them to discover the true nature of these wonderful animals. As fearsome as many of them sound, what they will come to realise on reading this book is that these creatures live mostly peacefully among us.

Their deadly venoms, scary teeth and animal behaviour are normally just used as warning signs or, rarely, in defence. In reading, children will come to understand these creatures better, gain courage and form a proper respect for them. The beauty, majesty and wonderment of these stunning creatures, delivered in an engaging cinematic punch, will excite the imaginations of children for life.

About the Author

Myke Mollard is a children’s educator, illustrator, author and designer – just some of his creative talents. He began his career in graphic design, branding management and producing commercials for TV. He later found outlets for his passion for educating kids about the world around them, both in person in classroom and online settings, and via his books which he fully writes and illustrates himself. One of his first books, in 2008, was the best-selling A-Z of Australian Bush Creatures which sold 85,000 copies in the early 2010s.